Kgoro Gateway Catalogue Photographs page 8 from left to right, top to bottom: 1 David Tlale; 2, 4, 9 Charles Heiman; 3, 5, 6 Alan Nambiar; 7 Marinda Louw; 8 Clare Thomas; all africamediaonline.com except 1. Author – Edna Peres (studioMAS) Editor – Tracey Hawthorne Architectural renderings – Colin Sackett (studioMAS) Printed by Ultra Litho (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg Disclaimer and copyright The information and images contained in this document are intended to convey the concept and vision for the Kgoro Gateway development. They are for guidance only, may alter as work progresses and do not necessarily represent a true and accurate depiction of the finished project. This document does not form part of any contract nor does it form any representation or warranty in relation to the Developer, its Agents, Kgoro Gateway or any of its related developments. The copyright of this document is held by studioMAS. The content of this document may be copied only with prior consent from studioMAS.